Our Program

Success is always tailor-made

About our CCR Application Service Program

We are the bridge between committed, well-trained candidates who would like to develop their careers abroad and the excellent companies in Germany who are looking for qualified and motivated employees.

We strongly believe that every person should be allowed to freely develop their full potential.

We open up horizons to new perspectives, new challenges and new opportunities.

3 Easy Steps to Your Career in Germany

Apply for the Program

Starting with a personal Career Analysis and Consultation, we will work together to develop your individual job preference profiling.

Based on this evaluation we are preparing your Application Masterplan, involving e.g. your Letter of Motivation, CV, References, Qualification and Testimonies.

Our local workshops on topics such as job interviews, video training, the German country and culture will prepare you intensively for your career journey.

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Qualify for a Working VISA

We manage your complete Work-Visa process. Our proven individual checklist ensures the fulfillment of all requirements around the German Embassy.

We are the connecting link to all german authorities involved in the approval process.

Our service includes the legal support, the approval for the job recognition, the organization and the support of german language courses.

We are your contact person and representative for the german employer.

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Start your perfect Job

We are the experts in finding and delivering qualified jobs for emigrants in Germany. We actively support the entire process of successful emigration.

Our cameroonian coaches in Germany enables a very personal welcome.

We support you with all bureaucratic matters at the authorities. You can rely on us for employment labour issues, references for health insurance and rental matters. Our integration service guarantees the best welcome package for a pleasant start.

Jobs in Demand

How It Works

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, WhatsApp, email, or via the contact form. We will get in touch with you immediately.

2. Book the initial Consultation

Tell us your goals and we will provide you with an initial assessment and all the requirements and conditions you need to participate to the program.

3. Apply and Join the Program

Once we've agreed on all the details, we'll get started. As an exclusive member of the Application Service Program we will set up an individual Masterplan for your career.

4. Become active Member

As an active member of the ASP our coaches will lead and support you from your career profiling, fulfilling all administrative requirements and getting a job and receiving the VISA.

5. Start of the Job in Germany

The Project ends on time, with receiving a job offer and getting the VISA for your new career in Germany.

Working in Germany

Germany needs qualified skilled workers. Find out here which professions are particularly in demand in Germany.

Green Jobs

Are you looking for a job with a future? Then why not become part of the green economy in Germany and help build the sustainable world of tomorrow? Thanks to the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the economy, a wide range of new career opportunities are being generated in Germany’s key industries.  This is why there is a high demand for international qualified professionals with an awareness of sustainability to fill “green jobs”.

People who have a qualification in engineering or technical professions as well as those with a link to the manufacturing and construction industry are particularly in demand in the green economy. 

IT Specialists

Nowadays, digital applications and intelligent technology define our day-to-day lives. Tools are printed with 3D printers, languages can be learnt with apps and robots have taken on many tasks. As a result, the IT industry is one of the most innovative sectors in the world.

Germany is still influenced by the spirit of innovation, meaning that the German markets for IT, telecommunications and consumer electronics are in leading positions within Europe. With an innovator rate of approximately 85%, the industry is not only one of the most innovative in Germany but is also a driving motor of the German economy, generating a turnover of 196.1 billion euros. That is the reason why IT specialists in Germany are more in demand than ever. 


Germany offers you many career prospects to engineers; in many economic sectors, your qualifications are in demand. The field of research and development (R&D) currently has a great number of vacant jobs in higher positions for engineers. The following occupations are also particularly in demand: 

Automation technology - Supervision of construction planning and architecture - Automotive industry, including electromobility and autonomous driving - Renewable energies and environmental protection - Artificial intelligence (AI)

IT Specialists

Nowadays, digital applications and intelligent technology define our day-to-day lives. Tools are printed with 3D printers, languages can be learnt with apps and robots have taken on many tasks. As a result, the IT industry is one of the most innovative sectors in the world.

Germany is still influenced by the spirit of innovation, meaning that the German markets for IT, telecommunications and consumer electronics are in leading positions within Europe. With an innovator rate of approximately 85%, the industry is not only one of the most innovative in Germany but is also a driving motor of the German economy, generating a turnover of 196.1 billion euros. That is the reason why IT specialists in Germany are more in demand than ever.


Germany has always been known as an important location for industry, namely for the car industry and its mechanical and process plant engineering, and for being a global player in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. In the upcoming sectors of biotech and nanotechnology, Germany is also way out in front. Germany has a plethora of jobs for scientists and mathematicians. Aside from the usual positions in research, teaching and management, scientists and mathematicians also work in the IT sector, in marketing and sales, in the fields of administration and law, and in the financial sector.


Skilled crafts and trades are not only the heart and soul of small and medium-sized businesses, but also Germany's economic engine. Thanks to the proximity to their customers, they create high-quality products and bespoke solutions for problems using their wide range of services and goods. The skilled crafts and trades are directed towards private individuals as well as the manufacturing industry, commerce and the state sector. Moreover, the skilled crafts and trades are an extremely versatile sector and include the following areas: Construction and development -Metal and electronics - Wood and plastics Industrial cleaning- Artisanal food production - Healthcare and personal hygiene - Clothing, textile and leather - Graphic design

Nursing and Care Professionals

Thanks to the excellent living conditions in Germany, a considerable proportion of the population enjoys good health well into old age. Germany does have a stable healthcare system; nevertheless, nursing professionals remain to be in high demand and their contribution is more important than ever. Hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities are always on the lookout for nursing personnel with various levels of qualification in order to meet the increasing demand in the healthcare and nursing professions. enjoy company growth faster than you expected possible, by streamlining services and features.

(to be noted: There is a recruitment ban for nursing staff from Cameroon based on the WHO country list and confirmed in german law 

"Achte Verordnung zur Änderung der Beschäftigungsverordnung" by Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales.)


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