Your Business Career in Germany

We are the first Coaching and Recruiting Academy in Cameroon.

We connect the best candidates in Cameroon with the best companies in Germany.

We qualify you for a Job in Germany

Get coached and trained for a Job in Germany. We develop your career profiling, the skills and the plan for a successful application. You get an Application Masterplan backed up by practical implementation workshops.

We take all your administrative burden

We organize and manage your emigration process. We take care of all the documents, translations, legal and recognition issues. Our support team is here to ensure everything runs smoothly, so you can focus on your strengths.

Our Job is done when you are happy

When you start your career journey to Germany, we are there to be be your local adviser and assistant. By providing quick and accurate answers to all your questions and requirements, we ensure a pleasant and effective integration phase.

We promise to be YOUR partner

I always strive to make you even stronger.

Agnès Kah


Cameroon Career and Recruiting Academy 

3 Easy Steps to Your Career in Germany

Apply for the Program

Starting with a personal Career Analysis and Consultation, we will work together to develop your individual job preference profiling.

Based on this evaluation we are preparing your Application Masterplan, involving e.g. your Letter of Motivation, CV, References, Qualification and Testimonies.

Our local workshops on topics such as job interviews, video training, the German country and culture will prepare you intensively for your career journey.

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Qualify for a Working VISA

We manage your complete Work-Visa process. Our proven individual checklist ensures the fulfillment of all requirements around the German Embassy.

We are the connecting link to all german authorities involved in the approval process.

Our service includes the legal support, the approval for the job recognition, the organization and the support of german language courses.

We are your contact person and representative for the german employer.

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Start your perfect Job

We are the experts in finding and delivering qualified jobs for emigrants in Germany. We actively support the entire process of successful emigration.

Our cameroonian coaches in Germany enables a very personal welcome. We support you with all bureaucratic matters at the authorities. You can rely on us for employment labour issues, references for health insurance and rental matters. Our integration service guarantees the best welcome package for a pleasant start.

Jobs in Demand

Our Value Proposition

We unleash Your Potential

We believe in the uniqueness of the individual and in the greatness of every person. Every person should be allowed to freely develop their full potential.

We create Prosperity and Happiness

We believe that every person deserves to live in freedom and contentment. Freedom, happiness and a good quality of life are the greatest values ​​of personal development.

We expand Horizons

We open up horizons to new perspectives, new challenges and new opportunities. Seeing the world as a whole makes you a bright personality. Having international working experiences makes you a very special person.

We accelerate Knowledge

We are firmly convinced that deep specialist knowledge, extensive practical experience and the desire to develop a little further every day are what make successful careers and happy people.

We make you strong

We want to make you strong. The characteristics of a strong personality are self-knowledge, self-reflection, tolerance and the pursuit to always make something better about yourself.

Take the opportunity!

Why Germany?

Welcome to the world of possibilities - Germany! Here you will discover convincing reasons why you should choose Germany and what sets this country apart from others.

Economic strength

Benefit from one of the largest and productive economies of the world, offering prospects for your career in a large variety of sectors, companies and fields of work. The globally known “Made in Germany” seal represents the success story of German medium-sized companies (also called “hidden champions”) which became global players in various market segments. You can rely on a stable economic and political foundation. Immerse yourself in a dynamic world of work with diverse professional opportunities and first-class career options.

High-quality education

Discover a learning environment which offers a wide range of option for education. Germany not only has excellent universities which have low tuition fees in comparison to those in other countries, but also good schools, a highly respected vocational education system and a plethora of options for life-long further education. Germany supports a multi-faceted education, strengthening your professional skills and broadening your future prospects.

High-level insurance cover against everyday

risks of life

Germany is known for its comprehensive social security system which provides an extensive amount of cover in case of illness, accidents and unemployment, as well as old age. This system not only offers protection when being unemployed, it also combines reliable healthcare and health insurance. So, you will not only benefit from having a source of income during difficult times, but also from a modern healthcare system with quick access to medical specialists and first-class hospitals without having to worry about financial burdens. This high-level insurance cover is financed by a contribution automatically deduced from your salary and enables you to access all services in return.

High quality of life and support for families

Germany not only offers the same career opportunities for women and men, but also a family-friendly environment. Comprehensive options for maternal leave, parental leave and child care allow you to pursue your professional goals and simultaneously have a work-life balance thanks to legal holiday entitlement.Discover a learning environment which offers a wide range of option for education. Germany not only has excellent universities which have low tuition fees in comparison to those in other countries, but also good schools, a highly respected vocational education system and a plethora of options for life-long further education. Germany supports a multi-faceted education, strengthening your professional skills and broadening your future prospects.

Inclusion and equality

Germany makes an effort to put a comprehensive discrimination ban into practise and promotes the equality of all people, regardless of their age, (dis-)ability, skin colour, religion or gender. Same-sex couples are allowed to marry here, and they find themselves in an open and tolerant society which values and respects individual diversity.

Diverse culture and wide-ranging offers

Immerse yourself in Germany’s cultural diversity, ranging from historic architecture to lively festivals and Christmas markets. The German association culture in the realms of sport, carnival, music and much more offers opportunities for exchange, new friendships and integration.

Safety and freedom

Experience safety and freedom in a country known for its stable legal system and the protection of individual rights to freedom. Here you can feel safe because your basic rights are respected and protected. The right to freedom of expression is a fundamental right of high value in Germany. You can openly express your thoughts and opinions without having to fear legal uncertainty. This allows for an atmosphere of openness and tolerance, making life in Germany even more comfortable.

Source: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

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Essos Montée Hopital CNPS

Yaoundé Cameroon

Phone: +237-658 086 623

WhatsApp: +237-658 086 623


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